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Auction System 1.0.5


   (1 review)

8 Screenshots

About This File

This is a basic auction system for Invision Community.

Applications Features:

  • Create multiple sections with different user permissions (Can view, can add, can bid...).
  • Auction title, item description, item image, start amount, reserve amount.
  • Notification when a user is overbidden.
  • Home page widget, The admin can add multiple widgets.

The application is planned to be expanded to include more and more features, feel free to post your requests/suggestions in the support section.

The first 3 buyers for the application will get a discount of 40% - then the price will be $50.

What's New in Version 1.0.3   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.

John Foumakis

   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

This is one of the best apps anyone could add in their community. It brings people together and allows them to trade, especially if the site is geared for collectables or collecting interests.

A few little glitches but I have every confidence in Ahmed's ability to iron them out. Already we have a successful participation.

1) May I suggest incremental bids ($1 increments to $10, $2 to $20, $5 to $50, $10 to $100 $20 to $500 and $50 thereafter)

2)The ability for admin to change a bid that was entered incorrectly

3)A small thumbnail image in the listing next to the list

4)A possible time extension if the bid was lodged 1 minute before the end.

5)Anonymous options for the bidder.

6)A day limit option for the sale

7) A block enabling latest listings to scroll though


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