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  • Auction System By A Zayed

    This is a basic auction system for Invision Community. Applications Features: Create multiple sections with different user permissions (Can view, can add, can bid...). Auction title, item description, item image, start amount, reserve amount. Notification when a user is overbidden. Home page widget, The admin can add multiple widgets. The application is planned to be expanded to include more and more features, feel free to post your requests/suggestions i
  • Tip Me By A Zayed

    • $25
    • 0 reviews
    • 10
    • 13
    App features: Select user groups allowed to set their own tip jar URL. Select user groups allowed to tip other users. Set tip button text. Set specific payment service URLs. View list of all URLs set by users. Track all URL clicks on a single page. Support for forum topics, blog entries, profile pages, hovercard, messenger messages and files in the download center. This is the initial version, and I'm open to any ideas and suggestions.
  • Updated prices based on today's currency rate By A Zayed

    • $20
    • 0 reviews
    • 2
    • 3
    This application will automatically update package prices based on today's currency rate, in case you accept more than one payment currency. It's helpful to keep the prices of your products up-to-date according to each currency rate, especially when you have many products. Please note: This application requires IP.Commerce app installed. The update task runs daily, so the prices are updated once a day. The update task will not affect current purchases in case you
  • Account Credit Transfer By A Zayed

    • $25
    • 0 reviews
    • 2
    • 5
    This application will allow your community users to send/receive nexus app account credits between each other. This application requires IP.Commerce app to be installed. Application scenario: User A send credit of $5 to user B. User B is notified by this movement, and asked to confirm. Once User B confirm (Unfreez), the amount is deducted from User A and added to user B. Admin has the authority to refund or cancel the transaction.

  • Community Hive Community Hive

    Community Hive allows you to follow your favorite communities all in one place.

    Follow on Community Hive
  • Recent Activities

    1. 0

      Five Invision Community 5 features your team will love

    2. 0

      Five Invision Community 5 features your members will love

    3. 0

      Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications

    4. 0

      Invision Community 5: Beta testing and latest updates

    5. 0

      Invision Community 4: A more professional report center

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